January 9, 2013

The long-awaited Jubilee IPA is rolling out next week!

We’re calling it Randy’s IPA, after our beloved unofficial spokesperson.

If you’ve been looking for a quality IPA that is “low gravity”, we think you’ll love it.  If you don’t like hops or drink sh&tty beer like our friend Dan, we think you’ll probably hate it.  And we’re cool with that.

We wanted a big, bold IPA with a smooth finish and our friends at Mayday Brewery nailed it.  Big thanks to Ozzy, Wiz and John at Mayday.

Randy’s IPA will be draft only for now, so ask for it at your favorite bar or growler-filling station.

As always, Jubilee will be donating 50% of all profits from this beer to the Oasis Center, a local  agency that is changing the odds for at-risk youth in Middle Tennessee. On top of that, our friends at Lipman are donating a big percentage of their profit to Oasis as well!

Look for Randy’s IPA at the Filling Station in 12 South this weekend, and hopefully a lot of places starting next week.

We’ll keep you posted.


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